First Of Many: West Texas Part One

Follow this blog! You’ll find phenomenal photographs and storytelling as it progresses.


So I have talked for a long time about starting and writing a blog and always made up excuses to not. I had homework or work work, or I had this or that. Well, by George I have just plum ran out of excuses so here I am writing the first of many entries to come, just like the trip I took with my friend and mentor, Ron Bullied.


Now that “real life”, as they tell me, has started to settle in and I have graduated and before I started my “real job” I took some money that I made off my very first photography show and traveled out west. West Texas that is. The old stomping grounds of James Dean and Henri De Lobe … not sure if I should use those two names in the same sentence, oh well. Ron picked me up before the sun even hit the house…

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