Cramping the Agenda: Organizing for A Viable Third-Party

Lets take a little break from the musings of everyday philosophy and look into the spectrum of political philosophy. Russell Brand has his book out called Revolution calling for a revolution to overcome the political ideologies already in place. He claims it’s a revolution for the downtrodden and those under the oppressive thumb of corrupt government institutions. I, for one, will admit to a gross understatement by the news about the way our governments have been bought and sold for pork spending and handouts, but there needs to be a better solution. While I have not read the book, I feel that Brand is missing the idea of starting small. I agree, we need a revolution, but we must start it in our own communities and countries first. I think I may have an interesting plan for us…

Last night while sitting at my local bar watching all the movements around me as I took pulls from my cigarette I was overcome with an idea to rectify the two-party system that has mangled our government. According to Thomas Jefferson, “Every constitution, then, and every law, natural expires at the end of nineteen years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right.” Now, at this point that is not what I’m suggesting though that thought process makes sense. Imagine the delegations coming out if every 19 years this whole fucking country was retooled? Oh the chaos and discussions that would be coming around. We may never even reach agreements but it would be something, something amazing!

What I am proposing is an organization in the vein of Rock the Vote except without the bullshit swing of ideology hidden beneath the “unbiased” intentions. We would create an organization that I will fully admit is biased. However, my bias is toward either creating a new and viable third party or prop up the Libertarian party. The point of this organization at the beginning is to make it possible for a third party to have an actual voice and movement. To say to our politicians that we’re done being bought and sold so they can make their dime. By doing this it’ll show the people that we can have more than the same shit in and shit out that our country likes to propagate. Later on the organization will either continue backing the new or Libertarian party (whichever happens) or it’ll be dedicated to helping other third parties become viable so that they can compete on a local and national level, add to the discussion and create a multi-party system.

I don’t want to rewrite the Constitution, yet, that is, but what I want to do is take back the country for the populace. We would start by reaching out to those of us who refuse to vote or apathetic to vote. We reach to those who don’t think they’ll voice will be heard or refuse to buy into a two party system. We reach out to the LGBT, to the jaded minorities (and the jaded of the majority!), to the tattoo and pierced culture and all the rest of us that fell between the cracks of our political system. Lets be honest, no one is speaking for us. This isn’t about rich white men anymore controlling the country as we like to cry out. What this is, is about a generation in a boat with one paddle going in circles. A generation lost in the wilderness who are too afraid to admit they’re lost and embrace it. We’re facing the unknown on a political, economical and philosophical scale and we need a revolution where we embrace this unknown and dance with its mysteries.

That is what I want this organization to be because the only way to fix our system besides completely dismantling it or hoping someone will stand up to change it, is to get a third-party that represents the people more than the elekey running the place right now. If the organization is to back up the Libertarian party then it’ll be to reach out to the apathetic, downtrodden and forgotten by the other two parties. It’ll be to push for a true audit of the Fed and bring back the fervor that Ron Paul brought to the scene. If it becomes one where we create our own third party then I want fully transparent research into the issues and polling information so that as we figure out our stances, everyone will be informed.

It’s time for a political movement where we stop propping up governments and spreading Democracy and fix ourselves first. It’s time to bring home our troops from bullshit engagements with the goals of “keeping our interests safe”. We need to heed the words of Washington again and steer clear of “entangling alliances”. We need this movement to light a nation to change. We need real conversation about what to do with healthcare because our system now is hurting us worse than the previous one. We need to recognize everyone’s right to be married and then take the government out of the marriage game. Will the new party do this? I’d like it to but it’s starting goal is to get the conversation going and bring out those shunned by the major political parties.

We’re fed up with being lied to, jerked around and we need a strong and viable third-party. That’s where this organization will come in. Lets change the game and then maybe later on we can discuss Jefferson’s plan. We need to stop blaming rich white men because that’s a stupid fallback of those that would rather twiddle their thumbs than actually do something. We want real change, not this bullshit change we choked down and I think an organization like this can do it. What do we have to lose?